Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Type 1 Becks

I am slightly obsessed with Energy Profiling. I found this awesome book called "The Child Whisperer" by Carol Tuttle. In this book Carol writes about how to parent your child according to their own energy type. She gives you a guide to discovering your own child's energy type. She also gives you ideas on what some of their needs might be. It's basically "a handbook for your child". (That is like the teensy tinsy tip of the iceberg there...)

I LOVE THIS. It has seriously changed my life. From the way I dress, to the way I view others, and everything in between. Carol Tuttle if you ever read this...YOU ARE MY HERO!!!

I'll be writing a lot about my discoveries, "aha's", successes and no so successful things too (I hope there will be a lot less of those though!). This blog is my sounding board. My friends and family have heard enough of me talking.

The Child Whisperer This is the link to the website. I am not getting paid for this. That's too bad huh. hahahaha....I just need a place to barf my thoughts out and try to see them all at the same time.
So ME. I'm a type 1. Fun Loving Bright Animated energy type person. I have ideas. Lots of ideas. An overwhelming amount of ideas. I start LOTS of new things (like this blog). I love my pals. And when I say pals, it could very well be the person I am standing next to at the grocery store. Or the person who I am running next to on the treadmill. Or you. Yes you. We are now pals. :) People are my people. I love people!  I play hard. I also work hard. I talk fast, I think fast.

A few things I am doing for myself to support and love my bright happy self: Talk to everyone. Make people smile. Send encouraging text messages to pals. Put on pretty clothes. Play in makeup. Laugh loud. Tease my kids. SMILE. Stay away from local news. Read my scriptures! Plan parties. Go to parties. Play with my kids, seriously play, like tag. ride bikes, play pretend, nerf guns, swim, paint, color!!!!

Here is the thing. Life weighs us all down. But for a Type 1 like me...if I feel weighed down, I can't function. I need to feel light like I need to eat. And truly, if I am happy, EVERYONE IS HAPPY!

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